links, resources

Good Reads (04.22.15) on life’s purpose, the love of Jesus, difficult days, and more…

Here are a collection of links over this past week that provide some good reads:

On life’s purpose: You Will Change the World by Jon Bloom (click here)

Your very existence has already unalterably changed the course of world history. All of us, from the child who does not survive the womb to the centenarian, leave indelible marks in the lives of those around us and those who come after us. Our purposeful or incidental interactions and intersections with other people affect the timing of events or ideas or decisions that direct the future trajectory of their lives, eventually affecting millions.

On humility and pride: Proudly Humble by Tim Challies (click here)

Sometimes pride looks an awful lot like humility. There are times that our pride convinces us to put on a great show of what looks to all the world like humility so that we will be seen and acknowledged by others. We swell with pride when we hear, “He is humble.” It is a tricky thing, the human heart—prone to deceive both ourselves and others.

On the question… Does Jesus Really Love Me? by J.A. Medders (click here)

Christianity is never impersonal. This is a real, vibrant, essential relationship with Jesus himself—he is alive for you. God and Savior. Lord and Friend.

On rejoicing in both good and bad days: This. Is. The. Day. by Michael Kelley (click here)

Regardless of what this day holds, it is the day that the Lord has made. He is not some cosmic clockmaker who set the universe in motion and then stood apart, watching it tick away. He’s still in the business of making days, and He’s made this one for me. Although I know very little of the potential ups or downs or highs or lows that this day holds, it is nevertheless the one made by the Lord. Because it is made by the Lord, I know that along with making it He has also given me the resources I need for it. I have the grace I need. The patience I require. The perseverance necessary. The discipline to do and work. Along with this day He’s made He has also given me His limitless supply which I take hold of by faith.

Last but not least, on our need to hear about God’s grace: Can We Really Preach Too Much Grace? by Stephen Altrogge (click here)

The longer I’m a Christian, the more I’m convinced that a true understanding of grace always leads to deeper sanctification.

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